Rock Content, a world leader in Content Marketing, completed three migrations on its own website and expanded the company's global Telephone Number List online presence to 7 million monthly visitors. All migrations were driven by the need to consolidate the recognition of our brand at different times in our history. During the first migration in early 2019, we Telephone Number List moved our Spanish and Portuguese blogs - which had their own unique domains - to the root domain At the time, we used exact match domains with the Telephone Number List Portuguese and Spanish versions of something similar. We wanted to educate the Latin American markets on the subject.
The goal of this first migration was to highlight our own brand, as previous websites did not have our name in the URL. Portuguese blog: the Telephone Number List second migration concluded in 2020, when we moved the entire site to our own recently launched WordPress hosting platform: Stage. This was a strategic decision that gave us full control of website Telephone Number List management and improved our performance metrics. Finally, we carried out a third migration to give cohesion to our brand positioning in all the markets in which we Telephone Number List operate, especially in the United States,
Brazil and Mexico. After a comprehensive process of localizing site content and visual identity elements, our redesigned global website Telephone Number List came to life in early 2021. Those experiences brought lessons that we hope to share with you on how to plan, run and monitor a new website. You, too, can avoid a traumatic change by following these Telephone Number List ideas about migrating a website: Planning: Paving the way for a smooth transition. Execution: configuration of redirects and tests for the launch. Post-launch: Act Telephone Number List quickly to fix bugs. Analysis: Monitoring of performance metrics to know if your migration was successful.